Renaming to cooperationmanagement GmbH

Cooperation management GmbH

Cooperation management as core business since 1.1.2015

Klimamensch GmbH, which was founded in 2009, will operate under the name "cooperationmanagement GmbH" in future. The jb-x group GmbH & Co. KG has acquired 100% of the shares in the company. The company originally specialized in the conception and design of internet portals and related services. Following the change in the ownership structure, business activities will focus on services for the management of purchasing portals in future.

The specific services for the development and operation of purchasing portals can be booked on a modular basis by portal operators for those areas in which they do not have the necessary resources or do not wish to develop them in favor of their own core competencies.

The support of numerous portals in increasingly similar service packages in turn gives cooperationmanagement GmbH the opportunity to offer these services cost-effectively and fulfill them efficiently. The close relationship with the software manufacturer in turn enables the rapid adaptation of new functionalities required to optimize the company's own services. The main services include organizational tasks of cooperation management, the optimization of technical supplier communication for the exchange of catalog and document data as well as the system management of purchasing portals used.

> Services
